
Nov 8, 2006

My Moon

When I raised my head I saw the moon
I was feeling lonely so I thought
Why not talk to the moon?

“Hello”, I said. “How do you do?”
I could see pain in his eyes as he spoke
“I am the moon, I won’t talk to you”

I continued, “I feel lonely”
He quibbled in reluctance
“Do you see anybody around me?”

His words hit me hard
It was he who was lonely
I had men in every yard

“You look so beautiful
You are a symbol of beauty
In every size and nuzzle”

He got a little alert to my talk
Perhaps, I thought
He wanted to open up his heart

“The distance between you and me
Makes me look lovely to your eye
I have scars on me and mountains into the sky”

I wished I could embrace him
“You are spoken of along with the sun
And you are there in a plenty hymn”

He looked irritated but went to talk
With frustration in his mind
And sorrow in his heart

“Sun is my cousin who makes me visible
A hymn is a rhyme sang only for you
I hold no light and hear no oral”

In front of him I was so little
Smaller was my pain
I found moon an unsolved puzzle

“You are so mighty and so large
From up there you see
Everything near and far”

“Tell me about my world
The life you revolve around
Surprise me and make my fingers curl”

So I tried to start a conversation
To let the moon know it’s not alone
I wanted to hear which was to be spoken

“I see people calling out others
Crying for their unheard calls
I see withered lakes and flowers”

“I see mystery in misery
The pain in every tear
I see irony in people being happy”

“I see hearts falling in love
And hear them breaking
And I see you looking at me above”

“I see people dreaming
You know what I am talking about
I see you missing in that dream”

“I see madness
And the laughs that befall on you
I see you live and die all alone”

He was already giving me creeps
And my neck was aching
I was surprised at the knowledge he keeps

My head was heavy and eyes wanted to drain
I kept my head high looking at him
Then he spoke again

“Go home my boy
Tomorrow will be a new day
My cousin will shine and you have to play”

“I thank you for talking to me
I know your neck is aching
I am alone because no one looks up at me”

“You made my day dear friend
And we shall meet soon
Think about me when you are alone”

©2006 Zubair